1. Baruj Salinas
La Mirada del Que Mira, ©2007
Written in English and Spanish, this book is gorgeous! The book has work by artist Baruj Salinas from the 1980s through 2006. Looking through this book reminds me of the lessons he imparts and how much I want to grow up to be just like him as an artist. I was fortunate to obtain this book...!
2. Dietmar Elger Abstract Art
How I am enjoying the books by publishing company Taschen! The books are well within most people's price range, with gorgeous pages of art in color and not-too-lofty writing. This book explains in simple terms most kinds of abstractions found it art. What a great book to use for projects! What a great book just to learn!
3. Alyson B. Stanfield I'd Rather Be in the Studio
My favorite reference book for how to do just about anything art business related. Her writing style is easy to follow as well as encouraging. Having this book, and her website ArtBizCoach.com, is like having a best friend who is interested in the same thing: share my art with the world. She is currently updating the book.
4. Raul Martinez Yo Publio - Confessions Raul Martinez ©2007
Currently out of print, and challenging to find, this is a loose autobiography by Cuban artist Raul Martinez. Being a very slow reader of Spanish, my mother kindly highlighted the parts of this book that interest us. This book is also disturbing in that did he really want to be known like that? The book was published in 2007, about 12 years after his death. Perhaps it was never intended for publication? Another mystery about the artist that will not be solved by me!
Wondering why an exercise magazine makes an appearance? Artists, just like everyone else, need energy to be creative. My body demands endorphins: when forced without, cramps, sleepless nights, and aches begin! The models are not too perky, the articles are fun to read, and there is a little bit of fashion.
I have been reading this magazine since I was a child! Stories galore! Jokes! There is something for everyone in this magazine, including some amazing photos.
7. Art Calendar
Discovered this magazine during the workshop by Julie T. Chapman in 2008. It is not a "how-to-paint" magazine like so many others, but more like a "how-to be in the art business."
These are just a few of the things around the house, in my gym bag, and by the bed that I grab to read.
What do you read? What book has influenced you?
Special call to my art friends: Would you be interested in participating in an art marketing salon? It would be about 12 weeks long, less than two hour meetings every other week. If you would like more information, please email me or leave a comment on this blog. Thanks!
Angeline Marie of
Angeline Marie Fine Art
For the list of podcasts I enjoy, please visit the blog post Angeline's Top 10 Podcasts...
These are just a few of the things around the house, in my gym bag, and by the bed that I grab to read.
What do you read? What book has influenced you?
Special call to my art friends: Would you be interested in participating in an art marketing salon? It would be about 12 weeks long, less than two hour meetings every other week. If you would like more information, please email me or leave a comment on this blog. Thanks!
Angeline Marie of
Angeline Marie Fine Art
For the list of podcasts I enjoy, please visit the blog post Angeline's Top 10 Podcasts...
A-M: I could tell from day one you were well read. For Whom the Bell Tolls has influenced me greatly. Hemingway demonstrates how absurd war is as an answer to human problems. The Spanish people were used as pawns in a pre-WWII chessgame, and nobody won. The Spanish people and their beautiful country lost.
There are some incredible art works from that era, too. I am not wonderful with names, believe it or not. I do remember twisted, dark, evil figures on super large works. A lot of pain depicted from that time. My grandfather (who died many years before I existed) was sent to Cuba to avoid that Spanish war, like many at that time.
I am currently on an audiobook kick, reading (and I don't know how to underline and italicize here, LOL) "Master and Commander." While doing rote work, I am reading. What a wonderful thing to do while waiting for my favorite podcasts to publish new content.
Hope you are well!
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