Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow in Florida with Palm Trees Day 30 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Snow in Florida? ~3x5 inches without border, mixed media on paper,
2014, Angeline Marie, $28
So. Seems like this week there's been a bit of snow along the Florida-Georgia line. I can just imagine how the few palm trees in that area may be feeling: c-c-c-old! 

If you've ever driven through Florida, the numbers of palm trees increase as you drive south. You would think about now, well DUH, but truly, it's interesting to watch the vegetation changes. would never equate snow with palm trees...but this week you could.

It is THE END of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge TODAY. The toughest part for me is this uploading and posting and "linkzing" on Leslie Saeta's blog and sharing on the social media sites. All of this is part of the challenge and am so proud that I've survived. 

If you're scared that means less art, be reassured that I have so many ideas bouncing, especially with my little mannequin and plaster head involved, that there are PLENTY of opportunities to share with you the still upcoming 2014. No puns were intended within this paragraph...and I type this super tired of staring at a screen, LOL. 

Like? Please share the blogpost...or Facebook...or leave a comment...or buy it for $28 that includes shipping and handling. 

for the $28...or please contact me.
If you would like to see more paintings in person, please visit one of my favorite restaurants, Chefs on the Run Assorted Cuisine. 

If you would like to see more paintings online, please visit my website

Angeline Marie of


Unknown said...

Very pretty! Well done

Angeline said...

Thank you, Margaret! I'm hopping over to your blog. I bet you deserve congratulations, too! =)

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