Monday, March 9, 2015

Warning! Food Porn by Chefs on the Run!

Burger special, fries, my sketchbook in the background. 
Chocolate souffle, anyone? MMMMMMMMM

WHAT do you mean, you haven't been to Chefs on the Run Assorted Cuisine, yet????

I rewarded my evening of framing out my work with a delicious burger and fries and amazing chocolate dessert. 

Hmmm. Guess I need to reward myself more often? Oh, wait...thank God for FitnessBlender or I couldn't fit through their door, lol.

Let me know how you love them!

If you would like to see more paintings in person, please visit one of my favorite restaurants, Chefs on the Run Assorted Cuisine. 

If you would like to see more paintings online, please visit my website

Angeline Marie

1 comment:

JJ said...

Ha, ha. I'll take the knife and go quickly. However, the sketch is great.

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