Friday, May 8, 2009

On My Own Adventures - originally from 5-1-09

Wow. First blog with no pictures. I feel so under-exposed!!!

This weekend’s plans include a BBQ, perhaps a sky dive (yes, me, scared of heights), and yes, ART.

To my knowledge, it is now “off-season,” which means that art events like plein aires are not scheduled again until sometime in the fall. That means I’ll be at the beach! Plenty to entertain me there!

I am missing Baruj’s class. The last class I attended was in February. Took advantage that Andy had some Saturdays off to play, and then work happened!!! Now that work is out...until the next outrage...

I can be found at Pinecrest Gardens, trying watercolors of all things. See, I saw Eric Speyer work with watercolors at the last paint. He moves the paint like I love to move acrylics: fast, with energy, decisive. None of this masking and delicate stuff that looks sooo painful.

So, after watching him for a little while, I decided to get my own gear (thanks Utrecht, for the sale!) and will be trying it tomorrow.


PS: For those of you who are asking me about leaving comments on this blog, I’m working on it. Soon.....

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