I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to earth." --Pearl Buck, American writer
Art is a need for me. At times, I am not in the mood to create, but I make the time. Into the studio I go, rummage and re-organize supplies, play with wax, set up for the next painting session. After a five minutes of that, I grab a pencil and do what I am beginning to call "Speed 30." I have to get down to creating, and the brief ritual gets my mind jump started.
"Speed 30" is something I got out of Dean Nimmer's book, Art from Intuition. You can either create a scene (a still life) by grouping objects together, or you can use a photo or a figure model (a person posing). The idea is to spend only ONE MINUTE per drawing of the object(s). Once the minute is up, move to the next drawing. By the end of 30 minutes, you should have 30 drawings of the same object(s). The results of this exercise are quite interesting. So far, this is my favorite thing to do when I feel "stuck" or uninspired. I am still creating and drawing, therefore I am happily "getting in the mood" and getting "mind down to earth." Some of these drawings have inspired some of my mixed media pieces.
As for exercise, there is always time to work out. If you have a minute, drop and do push ups or crunches the entire minute. I have a no excuse policy: there is work out gear in every geographical place I spend time. That means I have gear at work (in disguise, for when the chair hurts), at the gym, in my studio and home. I have the same no excuse policy for creating art: sketch in my mind, in a book, on a piece of paper, on my gadget.
You want to do something? Create the mood. Get a pencil and paper and just draw lines. Wear work out clothes under your work clothes. Do what you need to get yourself doing what ever it is that makes you dream. Sometimes, like my artist photographer and friend Jason Eldridge, it is a simple as "getting out the door"!

Angeline Marie of
PS: Remember, you are invited to the Deering Estate the weekend of April 17th and 18th for the "Affair en Plein Aire." For more details, please click on the words Deering Estate. Thanks!
A-M: Great advice. I do paint and draw to clear my mind or change my mood. The only thing I lack is talent. With writing, I do similar routines to break writer's block - and I always dream.
I just wanted to say that I took a tour of your website... NICE job. There are so many painting that I love. Your talent/gift is very obvious.
Future buyer of Angie's art here. Waiting for her to post her prices. She rocks!
JJ: I would love to see your paintings! If you paint like you write...WOW!
Jason: Thank you!
Bianca: LOL I'm working on making some of the small ones larger for you and me.
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