Thursday, January 21, 2010

Attended Presentation: Using Video to Gain Exposure & Build Community: Do It Yourself

Last night at the PressitOn Gallery was extremely exhilarating and exciting. I reconnected with Blanca Caraballo and Elizabeth Chacon, met Facebook friend artist Rosie Brown in person, and made some contacts with other people of other fields. The information given during the meeting from Jessica Kizorek about videos and websites was encouraging and motivating.

Jessica Kizorek is definitely an expert in marketing. I attended the meeting to refresh how to take my own videos and left with many ideas of how to continue incorporating them into my website. There were three main tips of how to make a video:

1. LOOK at the camera lens while videotaping.
2. Have good lighting.
3. Speak clearly and loudly. Make sure you can be heard. Minimize background noise.

Having made a couple of videos by myself, those are great tips to remember when using videos in your website. Jessica made her tips and presentation very funny and informative, with great use of examples of how and when to use videos. My pen couldn’t write quickly enough, and ideas kept me awake last night. I wrote all of my ideas down, so they are captured!

Special thanks to Jessica Kizorek for the book that she autographed about how to take great videos. There is a lot of art work to do, and luckily I enjoy most of the creative process. Videos are creative, too! I have two books are that guaranteed to be dog-eared by the end of June: I’d Rather Be in the Studio and Show Me: Marketing with VIDEO on the Internet.

For more information about future presentations, please click on the supporters of last night’s program:

Life is Art and Association of Women in Communication

If you get a chance to visit PressitOn Gallery, do so. The art was super. Smiles!

Angeline Marie of
Angeline Marie Fine Art

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