Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow Trees, inspired by family adventure!

Snow Trees, ~14 x 11 inches, acrylics on hurricane plywood, January, 2010

For the first time in December, 2009, I got to play in snow. Morgan, Brad, and Andy teased me the entire day because the smile on my face lasted the entire day. The drive up to Bear Lake was gorgeous. Snow actually sparkles! The trees were full of sparkles and whiteness. The texture in the painting, before finishing it, reminded me of the rock textures on the way up to the sledding area. We drove up and had to look up while driving.

Mi Mama was extremely upset with me when I called her to tell her about the snow & "going up the mountain." Morgan, Brad, Andy & I couldn't figure out why she was upset & scared. Found out later that Mama & I had a translation problem, between Spanish & English. She translated "going up the mountain" as "climbing up the mountain" with picks, ropes, etc., not driving in a vehicle. We all have laughed over that, & she's enjoyed the pictures of the trip since.

Did I capture the idea of trees and snow while looking up a rocky slope?

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