Friday, December 6, 2013

Must See Video about Art Stealing

Side note: I read the blog Gurney Journey. The rest of this post is my opinion. 
There are a zillion ways to copy a painting. The oldest way is to paint a copy. The newest way is to print a copy.

It's called stealing. Plagiarizing. It's out of the pockets of artists, the same ones you love. 

You buy art all the time, in the form of design and packaging, gifts this season, etc. Someone, even the companies that own the design, rightfully profits and benefits from these sales. 

Please. Buy directly from the artist as much as you can. You will get an original or an authorized original of their art. The artist will receive a fair share for their time, creative efforts, and supplies. Buy directly from the licensing company that uses their design (like Hallmark, Zazzle, American Greetings, etc.) from authorized shops (like Publix, links on artists' websites, actual store fronts). 

Why am I making this plea? Besides that obviously I am an artist, consider a recent conversation:

Person: Hey, Angie, need your advice. I bought a painting but the varnish? I think it's called varnish? drips in the totally wrong place. The light shines on the painting and all I can see are the dried drips. It's totally on her face...and how do I fix this? 

Me: Did you contact the artist about these dried drips of varnish?

Person: Well, no. I got a really good deal on this painting so I want to fix it myself. How do I fix the dried drips?

Me: Do you know what kind of paint was used for your painting?

Person: No. I have no idea. It's dry. It's the varnish that dried in drips on the wrong place.

Me: My best advice is to contact the artist about the dried drips and either work with the artist for repair, exchange, etc. of your painting. 

Person: Oh, well, but I want to fix it myself. I know it's original because the artist kept sending me photos of "is this what you want" as it was being painted. I just want to fix it myself, how do I do that?

Me: It really depends on the type of paint used and varnish used. There are so many variations of paint and varnish that your best bet is to contact the artist. If you insist on doing it yourself, be ready that you might ruin the painting. 

Person: Well, it's ok if the painting isn't perfect just that I want to remove those dried drips on her face. It wasn't that expensive. 

Me: I'm sorry I can't really help you. Keep me updated because am very curious about if you are able to fix your painting. 

This conversation took place three weeks ago. There's been no further contact about this painting since...nor do I expect any contact. 

During the entire conversation, in my thoughts only: So. You bought a painting from some sweatshop in China...and now you want to know how to fix it and you don't know even what kind of paint is used on your painting...and...some artist I bet in the U.S.A. was poached for their design and you don't even want to admit to me that this is how you bought your "cheap" painting. Most people are proud of their new art and show it off, but you don't even want to show me the photo that is probably on your smart phone. You evade answering when I say "ooooh! I would love to see the design of your painting!" You think you are flattering me by asking me how to fix this painting...and instead I am sad, angry, irritated, and think you are dumb for wasted money. 

Had to share. 
Not art, but this is Simon my Abyssinian cat
pawing at my camera. Copyright 2012 by
Angeline Marie

If you would like to see more paintings in person, please visit one of my favorite restaurants, Chefs on the Run Assorted Cuisine. 

If you would like to see more paintings online, please visit my website. 

Angeline Marie of

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