Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 3: Sunflower on Brown Blueprint Original Painting
Sunflower on Brown BluePrint, 6 x 6 inches, acrylics on paper, 2015, $50
As I mentioned in the sneak peek email, I love sunflowers. I enjoyed thousands of them so many years ago. They made an impression, all those yellow bright cheerful faces following the sun.

These days, my sunflower is a silk version...otherwise Simon cat would eat a real version from Robert is Here. Last thing wanted is to rush our very aloof room cat to the vet...because Simon would just hate that. Best to keep to fabric flowers and leave the real ones away from curious Simon.

If you look closely at the background, you will see some blueprint designs. I fished this almost yupo-like paper out of the recycle bins at my day job! 

Let me know if you like my sunflowers...there are more sunflowers to share.

Angeline Marie of

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