Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Landscape Painting - on wood

I truly enjoy doing paintings on different surfaces: woods, boxes, concrete, etc. This week, I found a broken wine bottle wood box and took the lid. The size and texture of the wood so caught my attention, I dumpster dived (ok, it was on the top of a garbage can & clean)...a very bad habit, according to Andy. Can't help it, because next one of my paintings may be on an empty bottle of wine. I digress....

This little piece is  ~4 x 13 inches done with acrylics on wood. The wood grain lines reminded me of being on flight and looking down to see the fields. I love watching the lines and textures of the fields from the air...the colors! So beautiful...and a different view on landscapes. The lines are based on the wood's existing grain lines, as wide and thin as they were. The piece is based on memories, not of any one place or private reference photos. It really is more of a far away view from the ground, but that's alright with me.

This needs a title, ideas anyone?


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